Poultry in Motion

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

And it begins again...four new chicks arrived on February 4, 2011. This time I'm an old pro. This time I marvel at these new little fuzz balls just as much as before. I'm an old softie.

The happy chickie sisters are in the old plastic house used by their predecessors...of which only two are still with us. Old Georgie and Blossom are ruling the henhouse in the backyard, but only Georgie is laying. Several times we were convinced that "henopause" had set in, for they would go months on end without a single egg. Then one (usually Georgie) would become submissive, then "present" herself so I could "roosterize" her - - ohhhhh, long story, but no chickens were harmed or molested in the process - - and sure enough, she would lay a big brown egg during the day and cackle lustily to announce her accomplishment.

Such dear little creatures. Their appearance changes daily. One day they are perfectly round, then I come home from work and they have....necks! We'll be counting the months 'til the first eggs appear. I'm figuring it will be close to my birthday around the end of July before those marvelous gifts arrive. In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy tending to this new little flock, and pretending that I'm a real city farmer!

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